Warranty Replacement Hose… has a “pinhole” in it!
XHose Pro Fail – Demonstration Video for 5 Year Warranty Claim

My XHose burst/ruptured. It’s only about 14 months old, and it has a 5 year warranty. Here’s the item’s box for your reference. I purchased it at Menards in Cedar Rapids, Iowa in 2022. I tried calling 800-423-4248, and the recording advised calling 866-595-9225, but my phone indicated “user busy” several times over more than an hour. So, I tried calling the first xhose number again and tried to reach an operator, but there was only a recording stating “Please leave a message and we will call you back as soon as possible.” I spoke my message and then heard “Message left has not been recorded.” This happened three times. Very frustrating! So, per recording advise, I’m sending you an e-mail… and hoping someone read this and helps me.

Please help me!